
Shake it!Shake it!







一起走 要自由快不快乐都要找准节奏放松就足够路尽头 别犹豫太久你就要走进酒馆的门口来度过这个午后知不知道 这种感觉 feel so goodshake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy别让自己等待shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy一起创造未来hey boy come on don't be shyhey boy 和酒瓶摇摆hey boy 黄金海岸的爱shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy别让自己等待shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy一起创造未来包容我 的无厘头放不开紧紧牵住的双手感受这温柔台阶上 靠在你肩头月光照亮这微醺的夜空星光落满山丘你会不会发现我有点害羞shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy别让自己等待shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy一起创造未来hey boy come on don't be shyhey boy 和酒瓶摇摆hey boy 黄金海岸的爱shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy别让自己等待shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy一起创造未来shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy别让自己等待shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy一起创造未来hey boy come on don't be shyhey boy 和酒瓶摇摆hey boy 黄金海岸的爱shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy别让自己等待shake it shake it shake it shake itshake it shake it your body come on boy一起创造未来


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